Monday, December 05, 2011

Advent 2

The table was put away this week at the back of church the bench remained to become our focal shelf and out came the carpet. its not very big but was big enough for the four of us and the the story.. This was a new way of doing junior church for us. And though we cant do a full Godly play session in the time we have we can tell the story have a quiet wonder time and short very short time for reflection ( they normally want to draw ) before joining back with there adults as we break bread.

What was great this week was the retelling of the story of advent one that one of the children had heard twice now and as I put the tile out recounted what it was about..  So the journey continued from the prophets to Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.

I think the best bit for all of us was changing the light more on that another time though...


  1. Very nice to have a photo of you storytelling! :)

  2. Glad to find you! I've enjoyed looking at your blog.

  3. nice to have a carpet and bench ... :)

  4. It's made the world of difference .. much more freedom than sitting round the table. it feels more like our own space.
