Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's now just over a week since the sad incident of a shooting on a tuesday lunch time took place on black prince road a few yards from where I live here in vauxhall. Though such a incident take but a few seconds the lasting effects ripple out through time. The boy is still in hospital, and will be for some time to come. Yesterday the world was looking on in shock and horror as news came out of Norway of young man who went out and caused so much hurt and pain. And our thoughts and prayers today go out to the families and friends of all involved as they beginning in the next few days to start the process of coming to terms with what has happened.

This morning the pascal candle was lit, as we were reminded that we don't normally light it in this season but as a sign of hope and remembrance we light it for those in Norway.

on facebook and other social network sites hundreds of people have responded to groups inviting to act and unite out of hope and love 

20.58 (Central European Time) Please check your time zone online to see what time that is for you - eg UK is one hour behind so it will be 19.58

Please join in 2 minutes silence on Facebook in memory of the victims of the Norway bombings and shootings, and their loved ones left behind to cope with this horrific and sensless violence. Please post the status "In Memory All Lost and Affected in Norway" at 20.58 (CET) and then cease all activity on Facebook for 2 minutes as a show of respect all around the world for all the people of Norway.Please spread the word and invite your friends.

ENGLISH: We light a candle for the victims of the bombing and shootings in Oslo Norway today. Over 92 youth were killed in a holiday camp. In the Capitol, seven are dead so far.

On a day like this it is again important to remember that actions like this are not performed by race or skin color, by states or continents, but of individuals and groups that have lost focus on the importance of the World: Unity, caring, understanding, empathy and love .. spread this on! And take care of your beloved family and frends ♥

NORSK: Tenner et lys for de sårede, døde, pårørende og rednings mannskapet, over 92 døde på Utøya, 7 døde i Oslo sentrum.

På en dag som dette er det igjen viktig å huske på at handlinger som dette ikke blir utført av raser eller hudfarger, av stater eller verdensdeler, men av enkeltpersoner og grupper som har mistet fokus på det viktige i Verden: Samhold, omsorg, forståelse, empati og kjærlighet.. spre dette videre! Og ta vare på dine nære og kjære ♥

Tonight the community here in North Lambeth walked together quietly praying for the area here  we left from under the tree of hope a tree that stands at a crossroad. Our prayers were for not just this area for those who were perpetrator and victim bit for all caught up in a life of violence and hurt. for all who are in such a place that they see no way forward than to use force and violence.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


It all ends, A warm wet evening in Central London and Leicester Square was electric. We were early and the crowd had gathered outside the Cinema. I came to Harry Potter late I did read the first book a long time ago and only watch the first movie for the first time 2yrs ago. I saw deathly hallows pt one on the big screen last summer and had to do the same this time. I've never been on opening night and it was great. I've never been to a film that had the audience so caught up in the action on the screen. What was really amusing was that it was full of those in the 25-35 age group. We turned into a bunch of kids screaming shouting cheering clapping esp at the gringots cart run.

It was a film of good versus bad. And that not all who you right off as being bad are. seeing the characters develop and come alive in their own right on the screen. The struggle in right and wrong of living two lives as with professor Snape. of  friendship unity and love and betrayal.

I have a favourite moments molly weasley shouting at Bellatrix Lestrange and the link above where Professor McGonagall brings the statues that cover the entrance of Hogworts to life   "And now — Piertotum Locomotor! Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries, protect us, do your duty to our school!"  And then in a childish moment says " I've always wanted to use that spell" there were many more but it would spoil the film 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not for sale

That was the message that is being sent to the local movement by members of the community and the one of our MPs Kate Hoey. 

The site behind is an old school site which the local movement want to sell. Yet on the oppersite side of the road is Archbishop Sumners school (ABS) who want and need to expand into a two tier entry school. School places are limited in Lambeth and steadily rising school age population mean this will continue. Leaving some children with NO school place. 

Over 2000 signatures have been collected in support of the bid by ABS.

The wonderful demonstration of the lack of school places with the use of Kate Hoey's mini and getting as many children in as possible.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

a sad day in Vauxhall

Today didn't start out being a sad day well apart from the alarm clock going off. It  did start as any other tuesday parents walked their kids to school teenagers dragged their heals and the usual sirens in the distance . Yet at lunch time this pleasant day changed the headlines on BBC London said it all
A man is taken to hospital with bullet wounds 
after being shot in a street in south London, police say.

The first that most of the community new there was something happing was the large red Air Ambulance flying low over a four storey block of flats and landing on a small patch of grass. 

London has had a fair share of knife and gun crime over recent months. one of the comments heard time after time today was never expected it here you hear of it it things like this happening in other places but here!!

a community rocked yet again it has been over two years not long in many ways but in many ways it is since there was last a serious incident with a stabbing a short distance away. After this the community came together and outside one of the churches there are tiny blue lights in the tree that can be seen from a distance around vauxhall and kennington the tree of hope. 

Todays shooting happened within sight of this sign of hope and standing as a community.

Friday, July 08, 2011

mosaics- the end

Here's the finished mosaics that the scouts have been doing all term, not all of them made their own but did help with a large group one of the scout badge...

they did really well and  I had fun too....

Friday, July 01, 2011

food film and fellowship

December 2009  I invited the two boys that I spoke to at church round for food and a film we watched the grinch they sat on the sofa and were like mice. Even after the film when we were looking at what advent and Christmas meant to us and how we could live a life that reflected that. 

This space twice a month was there space a space that was to be safe and ask questions and NO question was ignored. And whatever they wanted to look at or ask we would.. over the 18 months we've come together many things have been said and explored. From the father heart of God to the Holy Spirit and my notes for the night have been thrown out many nights as they led from where they were and what they saw in the film. I've learnt a lot from the boys, it's been a privilege to have shared these nights with them. 

Some night like tonight I gave them the code for pay-per-view and they chose a film they wanted to watch we chatted about life and just shared food and fellowship we laughed and joked. There were threats that if a film wasn't chosen soon this was after nearly 30 minutes of going through every film on there I would choose it's amazing who fast they chose once I said they had 5 minutes or piglet the movie was to go on.

they have made it thier space, and that has been wonderful to watch them open up I'm not sure recently how much of the film we've really watched as the giggling and messing has gone on. my poor teddies that sit on the sofa end up as weapons.

not mice anymore and i wouldn't have it any other way. What is being church what is church this is and has been. 

tonights fun was my hammock while we was tidying up one of the boys J escaped on to the balcony and decided to try and get on the hammock then they all escaped to have ago. it was truly comic to see one boy M spin straight over like a cartoon.

they fun was tinged with sadness tonight was the last night all of us will be together as on saturday J and his mum go away for the summer.

M,  erm sorta on the Hammock and after a few attempts finally makes it.....

mystic moggy

A friend posted this on FB

(click on the X to remove adverts)

yeah it's very funny and I do love cats and the very silly things that they do. 
But it got me thinking.....What image of God do we give to those in our patches. There are many stories in the world about the con artist. About those who fake the things of God who add things to thier storie of what God has done in them the "amazing" change that took place since they met with God.. But why embellish the work of God..  or the other side and the dumbing down of the gospel message. 
Its a sad place to be but I have heard people do both, and people I have know a long time. 
More than anything we need to be less like the cat in the video, not giving a performance of "god". We each you and I need to be showing the truth of God day to day in our lives in the little things. Honesty at the till if too much change is given. we are quick enough to complain if the casher gets it wrong and gives us less. Integrity in our speaking in public and in private.
I recently had to get medicenies from the hospital I wasn't expecting to have a perscription made and had no money on me I went to the dispencery and they let me have my meds but took my name and address. three days later i went back to pay. they lady was shcoked and said no one comes back to pay... 
It was a chance to share the gospel with her that opened up.
paul tells us in his letter that we are ambassidors for christ in our patches 
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
how we live matters... the God we show to people matters ...