Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's now just over a week since the sad incident of a shooting on a tuesday lunch time took place on black prince road a few yards from where I live here in vauxhall. Though such a incident take but a few seconds the lasting effects ripple out through time. The boy is still in hospital, and will be for some time to come. Yesterday the world was looking on in shock and horror as news came out of Norway of young man who went out and caused so much hurt and pain. And our thoughts and prayers today go out to the families and friends of all involved as they beginning in the next few days to start the process of coming to terms with what has happened.

This morning the pascal candle was lit, as we were reminded that we don't normally light it in this season but as a sign of hope and remembrance we light it for those in Norway.

on facebook and other social network sites hundreds of people have responded to groups inviting to act and unite out of hope and love 

20.58 (Central European Time) Please check your time zone online to see what time that is for you - eg UK is one hour behind so it will be 19.58

Please join in 2 minutes silence on Facebook in memory of the victims of the Norway bombings and shootings, and their loved ones left behind to cope with this horrific and sensless violence. Please post the status "In Memory All Lost and Affected in Norway" at 20.58 (CET) and then cease all activity on Facebook for 2 minutes as a show of respect all around the world for all the people of Norway.Please spread the word and invite your friends.

ENGLISH: We light a candle for the victims of the bombing and shootings in Oslo Norway today. Over 92 youth were killed in a holiday camp. In the Capitol, seven are dead so far.

On a day like this it is again important to remember that actions like this are not performed by race or skin color, by states or continents, but of individuals and groups that have lost focus on the importance of the World: Unity, caring, understanding, empathy and love .. spread this on! And take care of your beloved family and frends ♥

NORSK: Tenner et lys for de sårede, døde, pårørende og rednings mannskapet, over 92 døde på Utøya, 7 døde i Oslo sentrum.

På en dag som dette er det igjen viktig å huske på at handlinger som dette ikke blir utført av raser eller hudfarger, av stater eller verdensdeler, men av enkeltpersoner og grupper som har mistet fokus på det viktige i Verden: Samhold, omsorg, forståelse, empati og kjærlighet.. spre dette videre! Og ta vare på dine nære og kjære ♥

Tonight the community here in North Lambeth walked together quietly praying for the area here  we left from under the tree of hope a tree that stands at a crossroad. Our prayers were for not just this area for those who were perpetrator and victim bit for all caught up in a life of violence and hurt. for all who are in such a place that they see no way forward than to use force and violence.

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