Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eat,Drink, Sleep..

Thats a bit different to how the saying is normally to be found  eat drink and be merry ...........

At the moment I'm trying along with a friend to read Beginnings and Endings daily readings from the start of advent to epiphany... I've not been doing all that well with it to be honest. It's not the format I'm used to that a bible passage to read and a reflection on it then time for my own reflection. Nor that it follows a theme for a couple of days then changes that I can cope with too.. So what is it ... to be honest I'm not all that sure.. but it is challenging..  Let me share with you the reading for December 12th 1kings 19:1-9  The reflection Eat,Drink, Sleep.. the prophet had challenged the people of His day to take God seriously God showed up in fire on the mountain then.  and now he's  despondent alone in the desert...  the answer from God was providing  food...water..... rest. the next part of the story is that again he finds himself on a mountain but this time God isn't in the fire but in the still small voice 

at the end of the days thought is this 
Life out of kilter? Need to find God afresh? Eat, Drink, Sleep. Don't forget that you are a body as well as a soul. The still, small voice is hard to hear when your body is exhausted and you are sleep-deprived. Increase your chances of hearing that voice by looking after yourself - body and soul.
maybe thats what the ouch was in reading these last few days and why its taken since dec 12th to write the post..

we may turn our noses up at the five-a-day healthy eating option and eight hours sleep but there may just be something in 5&8

On Friday (31st Dec)  New Years Eve many of us will make a new years resolution, things we plan to do or change for the coming year  I have already been asked this week if I have one.

How about the challenge that this year it's a 5&8 year  Increase your chances of hearing that voice by looking after yourself - body and soul.

1 comment:

  1. that could be written for me 5 & 8. I've neglected both and worn out. And the discipline of time with God needs to be revived too

    a time of new beginnings yes, but that also means ending unhealthy practices and that's the hard point. As I tried to say elsewhere doors and doorways :)

    be blessed as you wrestle with the covenant prayer and what it means for you to be a disciple in the upcoming year 2011.
