Thursday, April 28, 2011

School assembly

I'm doing the assembly at Archbishop Sumners school today... and following on from easter and other assemblies I've done this year on building your life on the right things as I was looking at ideas I came across this wonderfully simple video (I've got it ready to use at the school hope it works I think they would enjoy it I know I did when I saw it.)

Either way
I'm gonna use flash paper and strong paper to show that when we build our lives on God even when we're shaken (strong paper is hard to tear but it does happen) the base of our lives are in God and though knocked we can deeped on God..
flash paper is cool it burns in an instant and leave no ash or any sign it was ever there... when we base our lives on things not based in the truth of God just like the house on the sand there is nothing to hold on too.....
I'm not saying about using God as a crutch but as a climber I know that if you don't have a strong anchor for your rope there is only one result if you find a loose rock or slip and fall.....

What this day are you building your life on what I am I building my life on...
How is that lead out into what we building into the patch's that God has given each of us to tend...