Monday, August 16, 2010

travels to iona day 3

sheep &
shooting stars

that's been the day and I've run out of ways of saying it with an S

swimming in the sea was (if the water had been warm - which it was NOT!) tropical crystal clear

After supper a walk to the north beach to watch the sunset.

The air was still. Listening to Majestet on my ipod (Majesty in Swedish) reflected the place and time so much! Just as I was leaving a lady( who was staying in the centre with us ) came to say they had been watching something in the water. That something turned out to be FOUR BASKING SHARKS. Just wish I had had a better lens on my camera! But I do have the memory :)

the black speck in the water is the sharks fin in the background is the island called the Dutchman's hat

On the way back the milky way was out .. and as if this evening hadn't been amazing enough .. to top it all off I saw a shooting star. If I didn't know better I'd say that God was showing off today!

(Posted by the non-resident house elf who is green with envy!)

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